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Showing posts from July, 2020

Unfuck Yourself - Gary John Bishop

Brief Personal Take Reading this one started out a little slow for me but it became pretty interesting as I went on reading starting right around the “You got this” chapter going forward. I bumped on this book  while looking for a book on business, but its title just caught my eye. Because it’s only a hundred pages long, I ended up reading it instead, and I’m glad I did.  It’s a motivational book which from the words of the author “is a conversational slap from the universe to wake you up to your true potential...” Its topics are geared to change the way you view life from inside out. The biggest lesson I took here is that you’re never going to

The Richest Man In Babylon - George S. Clason

Brief Personal Take For a book written in 1926 it baffles me how its advice on personal finance is still applicable today especially when you consider how much the financial world has changed over the years. I’ve read this book twice and even on the second read I still felt like I was learning something for the first time. It’s written as a story set in the ancient city of Babylon and also in an ancient style of writing as you will notice from the notes below. It refers to 7 rules of acquiring wealth which are then summarized as the 5 laws of gold as the building blocks to wealth. Its primary focus is teaching you how you can grow wealth by simply saving a tenth of all your earnings before investing the sum into a business or investment you understand very well to create another stream of income and repeating the process until the income streams are multiple.

The Greatest Salesman In The World - Og Mandino

Brief Personal Take When I first got this book I was looking for a book that would teach me to sell, but it taught me more than just that. The advice in this book is applicable in daily life or when you’re working to achieve something. It’s written in the form of a story featuring a young man who wants to earn to be a salesman in an ancient city. He learns the hard way, on the job, how the world can be unforgiving when working on your dream. Finally, he learns from his mistakes to become a better salesman. It’s fun to read, and if you’re

The Book Of Mistakes - Skip Prichard

Brief Personal Take I love it when an author finds a way to deliver his message to a reader through a story. That’s what Skip Prichard did with this book . He does a great job of telling the perfect story to get his message across. Message received Skip. The message is simple; in order to lead a happier, more fulfilling life, there are 9 mistakes that you ought to avoid and practicing the opposite of those mistakes is the secret  to

The $100 Start-Up - Chris Guillebeu

Brief Personal Take This book is packed with lessons on how easy it is to start a business with very little capital nowadays and how that can lead to you to quit working for the “man”. It’s a book on how to design your own lifestyle cheaply by creating businesses you love from your hobbies, passions, and expertise both online and offline although it specializes more in the online space. As Chris puts it, this book is not about him and the businesses he has built himself but about the success stories of

Screw It, Let's Do It - Richard Branson

Brief Personal Take This one is very short and you can read it in just a few hours but it’s packed with a lot of helpful advice for a book its size. Richard Branson the founder of the Virgin group talks about his journey to being a billionaire in a funny and inspirational way. Like the name suggests, the book is about taking action as well as how taking calculated risks and trying new things can help you discover who you are and where your other talents lie. The other thing Richard really wants you to know is that you shouldn’t forget to have fun while

Just Shut Up And Do It - Brian Tracy

Brief Personal Take You know you have found value when you find a Brian Tracy book. I absolutely loved reading this one. It’s one of those that you cannot put down once you start reading. I definitely won’t mind reading it again, but the notes below will do the trick whenever I need its practical advice. If you’re looking for something that will give you a nudge into taking action, this book will give you more than that, it will shove you into action. Just shut up and do it is more than an instructional book, it takes a