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The Book Of Mistakes - Skip Prichard

Brief Personal Take

I love it when an author finds a way to deliver his message to a reader through a story. That’s what Skip Prichard did with this book. He does a great job of telling the perfect story to get his message across. Message received Skip.

The message is simple; in order to lead a happier, more fulfilling life, there are 9 mistakes that you ought to avoid and practicing the opposite of those mistakes is the secret to

creating a successful future.




The Beginning

·        The beginning is when you have more questions than answers.

·        Readiness is when your desire is stronger than your distraction.

·        Knowledge comes in bursts but wisdom speaks in silence.

·        Acceptance of the new is possible only with space from the old.

·        Discard the unnecessary to make room for what matters.

·        Often we are on a journey long before our conscious minds realize it.


Mistake 1 – Working on Someone Else’s Dream

·        Don’t act out a part cast by someone else. You are the casting agent of your own life’s purpose.

·        A life choreographed by someone else is not our finest performance.

·        Your purpose is unique.

·        A clear purpose attracts people, ideas, and resources to its cause.

·        Don’t be an unwitting participant in someone else’s plan.

·        Be a hero of your story, not what you want to do.



Mistake 2 – Allowing Someone Else to Define Your Value

·        A life well lived is a life true to yourself.

·        Let nothing come between you and your purpose.

·        Don’t accept the limitations others put on you.

·        Regret is the result of any action pulling against our heart’s purpose.

·        Know your inherent value.

·        Enormous power is possible when you give permission to be true to yourself.



Mistake 3 – Accepting Excuses

·        Avoid people who encourage excuses.

·        When we learn to overcome the excuses that are preventing our progress, we begin an almost magical process of growth.

·        Behind every excuse is a door to greatness.

·        People not going anywhere encourage excuses.

·        Tune out the voice that doubts and questions in favor of one that encourages and convinces.

·        Shift of energy and creativity from creating excuses to achieving goals.

·        Guard your inner voice like you would your most precious treasure.

·        Excuses cannot withstand positive self-talk.

·        If you want to take your life back, take your thoughts back.



Mistake 4 – Surrounding Yourself with the Wrong People

·        Your friends determine your fate.

·        Who you are around determine where you will go.

·        Don’t spend more time picking out your clothes than picking out your friends.

·        Toxic people are often more dangerous and create more damage than we realize.

·        Replace nay-sayers, doubters and energy drainers with encouragers, winners and motivators.

·        Remove people from your life who consistently drain your energy.

·        Surround yourself with people who will help you achieve your purpose.



Mistake 5 – Staying in Your Comfort Zone

·        Winners seek out the uncomfortable.

·        Leaders consistently push beyond what’s comfortable to stretch to new levels of achievement.

·        Mediocracy is the end result of too much comfort.

·        The journey to success requires both risk and failure.

·        Growth happens with discomfort.

·        Success is the result of consistently and purposely doing the uncomfortable.

·        Our thoughts can empower or imprison.



Mistake 6 – Allowing Temporary Setbacks to Become Permanent Failures

·        Quickly getting into the game remolds our experience positively before it has time to harden negatively.

·        Your thoughts control your destiny.

·        Don’t get through the day, learn from the day.

·        Don’t let your current circumstances define your destiny.

·        A setback is compounded when you allow an unwelcome label to stick.

·        Setbacks are the seeds that sprout opportunity.

·        Excuses are the weeds that try to choke progress.

·        Don’t accept a temporary experience as a permanent declaration.

·        Look at everyone you meet as a wise teacher.

·        Successful people see temporary failures as stepping-stones to success.



Mistake 7 – Trying to Blend in Instead of Standing Out

·        Most of us spend our lives trying to blend in when success is about standing out.

·        Successful people are always pushing, always learning, always doing something new.

·        Greatness always stands out.

·        If you fail to stand out, you’ll be overlooked, passed out, and ignored.

·        Standing out is as simple as consistently outperforming expectations.

·        Great leaders resist the pull of the normal and push through extraordinary.

·        Authenticity is the result of standing out.

·        If you are true to your unique design, you naturally stand out.

·        Authenticity is the beautiful expression of your unique giftedness.



Mistake 8 – Thinking That There is a Fixed and Limited Amount of Success Available

·        Our thinking determines the design of our life.

·        Anything we repeatedly imagine with intensity becomes reality.

·        There is unlimited possibility in the universe.

·        There is no limit to your potential.

·        The only limitations you need to worry about are the ones in your mind.

·        Be motivated instead of intimidated, by another’s success.

·        Successful people encourage others through encouragement and experience.

·        Helping others magnetizes people to your cause and enhances your success.

·        When someone is doing well, change your mindset from jealousy to curiosity.



Mistake 9 – Believing you Have All the Time in the World

·        Time is a gift wrapped in the day’s worries. Push the worries aside and enjoy the present.

·        Whether you fulfill your purpose depends on what you do with the present.

·        Live each day as if it is your first and your last.

·        Knowing life is limited will keep you focused on the most important part of your purpose.

·        Successful people have a sense of urgency.

·        Some decisions require the maturity of time, which delicately waves ideas and insight with each hour.

·        A beautiful life is one played on the strings of our purpose.

·        Love continues our impact long past our time.

·        Your purpose is the compass pointing the way for you to use time wisely.




·        Your choices can become the wings of success or the bars imprisoning you in a life of mediocracy.

·        Allow your positive thoughts to clear the invisible strings tying you to a life of less.

·        Live a life that matters, a life of light and love and hope.



The 3 Laws

1.    The law of desire

2.    The law of gratitude

3.    The law of belief



The 9 Secrets to Creating a Successful Future

1.    Live your own dream

2.    Recognize your inherent value

3.    Reject Excuses

4.    Surround yourself with the right people

5.    Explore outside your comfort zone

6.    Move forward through challenges with determination and purpose

7.    Stand out

8.    Act boldly with the knowledge that your potential for success is unlimited.

9.    Pursue your goals with urgency.



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